Santiago Cepeda. MD, Phd

Neuro-Oncology Coordinator

Academic and research training

  • Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Guayaquil
  • Specialist in Neurosurgery. Hospital 12 de Octubre.
  • Doctor of Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Collaborator in international trials .
  • Member of national and international research networks: RETSINE, RENACER and ReSPOND .
  • More than 30 publications in international journals.
  • Member of scientific societies: SENEC; EANS

Artificial Intelligence and Brain Tumours

International specialized training

Training in centers of international prestige

Attendance at international specialized training courses

Technical and professional training

Advanced Neurosurgery

Presbyterian Hospital. New York

Neurovascular and Skull Base


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